
当時Amazon.comのデジタルメディア部門ディレクターであったDan Rose氏は、このとき大きな支出は高価なSun Microsystemsのサーバを抱えるデータセンターだったため、それを安価なHPのLinuxサーバに切り替えたことが、Amazon Web Services(AWS)が生まれたきっかけになったと一連のツイッターで振り返っています。
I was at Amzn in 2000 when the internet bubble popped. Capital markets dried up & we were burning $1B/yr. Our biggest expense was datacenter -> expensive Sun servers. We spent a year ripping out Sun & replacing with HP/Linux, which formed the foundation for AWS. The backstory:
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
Dan Rose氏は1999年から2006年までAmazon.comに勤務。その後Facebookのパートナー担当VPとなり、現在はベンチャーキャピタルのCoatue Managementに務めている人物。
Jeff Bezos氏、高価なSunサーバをHP/Linuxへ置き換えると決断
Our motto was "get big fast." Site stability was critical - every second of downtime was lost sales - so we spent big $$ to keep the site up. Sun servers were the most reliable so all internet co's used them back then, even though Sun's proprietary stack was expensive & sticky.
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
In 2000, brand new Sun servers started appearing on eBay for 10 cents on the dollar as VC-backed start-ups went out of business (this was pre-AWS when you had to roll your own datacenter). Amzn could have negotiated a better deal with Sun, but Jeff chose a more radical approach.
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
(2000年に入り、ベンチャーキャピタルからの追加投資が得られずに破産したスタートアップが放出した新品のSunサーバが何台も、eBayで10セントから競売に出始めた(当時はAWS登場以前だったから、自分たちでデータセンターを持つ必要があったのだ)。だからAmazonはSunに対して値切ることもできたが、Jeff(新野注:Jeff Bezos CEO)はもっと大胆なアプローチを選んだ)
Amazon's CTO was Rick Dalzell - ex-Walmart, hard-charging operator. He pivoted the entire eng org to replace Sun with HP/Linux. Linux kernel was released in '94, same year Jeff started Amzn. 6 years later we were betting the company on it, a novel and risky approach at the time.
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
(AmazonのCTOはRick Dalzell、ウォルマート出身の猪突猛進型だ。彼はエンジニア組織全部を使ってSunをHP/Linuxに置き換えた。Linuxのカーネルがリリースされたのが94年で、JeffがAmazonをスタートさせたのと同じ年だ。6年たって、私たちは全社でそれに賭けることにしたが、当時それは斬新でリスキーなアプローチだった)
Dan Rose氏が振り返るように、インターネットバブルの頃は、高性能なWebサーバと言えばSun MicrosystemsのSolaris/SPARCサーバがその代表であり、それをシスコのルータ経由でインターネットに接続するのが大規模Webサイトの典型的な構成でした。
2010年にSun Microsystemsはオラクルに買収されるわけですが、その後の技術の潮流を考えれば、このインターネットバブルの頃が同社の最盛期だったのかもしれません。
Dan Rose氏のツイートに戻りましょう。
Jeff Bezos氏の決断によりSunサーバをHP/Linuxへ置き換えることにした同社は、しかし置き換えに失敗すれば倒産というところまで追い詰められます。
Product development ground to a halt during the transition, we froze all new features for over a year. We had a huge backlog but nothing could ship until we completed the shift to Linux. I remember an all-hands where one of our eng VPs flashed an image of a snake swallowing a rat
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
(HP/Linuxへの移行作業のあいだ製品開発は止まり、1年以上にわたり新機能が凍結された。膨大なバックログを抱えたものの、Linuxへの移行が完了するまで何も提供できなかった。私は、ある全員参加型の会議で、 VPの一人が蛇がネズミを無理やり飲み込もうとしている画像をちらりと見せたのを覚えている)
This coincided with - and further contributed to - deceleration in revenue growth as we also had to raise prices to slow burn. It was a viscous cycle, and we were running out of time as we ran out of money. Amzn came within a few quarters of going bankrupt around this time.
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
But once we started the transition to Linux, there was no going back. All hands on deck refactoring our code base, replacing servers, preparing for the cutover. If it worked, infra costs would go down by 80%+. If it failed, the website would fall over and the company would die.
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
We finally completed the transition, just in time and without a hitch. It was a huge accomplishment for the entire engineering team. The site chugged on with no disruption. Capex was massively reduced overnight. And we suddenly had an infinitely scalable infrastructure.
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
Then something even more interesting happened. As a retailer we had always faced huge seasonality, with traffic and revenue surging every Nov/Dec. Jeff started to think - we have all this excess server capacity for 46 weeks/year, why not rent it out to other companies?
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
Around this same time, Jeff was also interested in decoupling internal dependencies so teams could build without being gated by other teams. The architectural changes required to enable this loosely coupled model became the API primitives for AWS.
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
These were foundational insights for AWS. I remember Jeff presenting at an all-hands, he framed the idea in the context of the electric grid. In 1900, a business had to build its own generator to open a shop. Why should a business in 2000 have to build its own datacenter?
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
Cloud infrastructure would have emerged eventually even w/out AWS (like electric vehicles w/out Tesla), but how much later and at what opportunity cost ? After the cost of starting a company was reduced dramatically by AWS, innovation exploded and the modern VC ecosystem was born
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
(AWSが存在しなかったとしてしもクラウドは登場していただろう(テスラが存在しなくとも電気自動車が登場したように)。しかしどれだけその時期が遅れ、機会損失になっただろうか? AWSの登場で起業のコストは劇的に下がり、イノベーションの爆発が起こり、現代的なベンチャーキャピタルのエコシステムが生まれたのだ)
Amzn nearly died in 2000-2003. But without this crisis, it's unlikely the company would have made the hard decision to shift to a completely new architecture. And without that shift, AWS may never have happened. Never let a good crisis go to waste!
— Dan Rose (@DanRose999) January 8, 2021
.NET 5やBlazor WebAssemblyに対応する表形式のグリッドやチャートなどのコンポーネントを揃えた「ComponentOne」最新版が登場
WebAssemblyをWin/Mac/Linuxで実行可能なランタイム「Wasmer 1.0」正式リリース。事前コンパイルによる高速起動やクロスコンパイルなどにも対応